About Us

faq stands for ‘feminism,’ ‘anarchism,’ and ‘queer.’

As feminists, we are intersectional feminists. We are aware of the fact that persons with any gender identity are defined not by our biology, but by the social ascriptions to our gender(s). We recognise that in the patriarchal societies we live in, women and non-binary persons experience violence and oppression because of sexism. We also recognise that women and non-binary persons are of various ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, colours, classes, sexualities, and cultural backgrounds and can have a trans* status, and/or a migratory status, and/or a disability status. We are thus concerned with LGBTIAQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, queer persons) issues, as well as with anti-racism issues, and disability issues, acknowledging that sexism is not the only means of oppression. We also recognise that patriarchy oppresses men as well, even cis, heterosexual, white, able, middle-class/rich men, who are also assigned roles and are expected to perform them.

As anarchists, we consider that the existing hierarchical structures of social/economic/political organisation (patriarchy, capitalism, statism) oppress persons, (re)producing racism, xenophobia, classism, sexism, transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, biphobia, ableism. We believe in the possibility of an anarchist society organised according to the principles of equality, collectivity, autonomy, self-organisation, self-education, and solidarity. We work in assemblies and take decisions in a direct democratic manner, making sure of consensus procedures.

As queers, we consider that persons are oppressed by heteronormativity and cisnormativity, as well as homonormativity. We believe in the right to self-determination, in fluidity of (sexual, gender) identities and expressions, and in the right of any person to have any desires, or to not have any, and to pursue them, or not, with the (full, informed, continuous, and conscious) consent of any other person(s) involved.

We recognise that the personal is political and thus, we consider our experiences, as well as everybody’s, to be very important. We encourage sharing experiences and for this reason, safety is very very important to us. To keep our spaces safe, we cannot tolerate any kind of racism, classism, sexism, ableism. This includes xenophobia, islamophobia, anti-semitism, transphobia, femmephobia, sissyphobia, homophobia, lesbiophobia, biphobia, misogyny, body shaming, fat shaming, thin shaming, age shaming, slut shaming, STI-phobia and any kind of (non-consensual) abuse/violence, threats, or hate speech.

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Respect, listen, share, express! Keep the space safe for everybody! ♥

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